Welcome to FSU's Office of the University Registrar. In its chief administrative role, the registrar's office serves as the custodian of permanent academic records for all past and currently enrolled students. Staff in our office provide a variety of services that support our university community's students, faculty, and staff. Registrar personnel:
- assist students in dropping and adding classes
- maintain student and departmental records for the current term
- post FSU credit, transfer credit, and grade changes
- prepare transcripts
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- publish the General Bulletins and Registration Guides
- maintain and update curricula
- certify student test credit, attendance, and graduation eligibility
- implement and monitor academic regulations
- provide data analysis and reports to other academic and administrative units
Please feel free to consult our office with any questions concerning registration; course locations and meeting times; errors in registration records; cancellation of registration; or grade issues.
Permit to Change Course to S/U via Student Central
Visit GradWorld FSU
Registration Information
Excess Credit Hour Information
FERPA Information
Important Information for California Residents In Distance Learning Programs
University Title IX Policy
FSU Employee Tuition Scholarships
State Employee Tuition Waivers
FSU Commencement Ceremony webcasts are available at http://learningforlife.fsu.edu/graduation/.
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